Better care for better lives

Our consultants draw on decades of experience in dementia care and design to help improve the lives of those you serve.

Whether your organisation wants to create dementia-inclusive environments or provide tailored dementia care supported by the latest evidence, our consultants can guide you in the right direction.


Bring better design and care to your people

We’ll visit your site, get to know you and the people you care for, and help you make a greater difference in the lives of those living with complex needs.

Considering the capacity and needs of your team, as well as potential improvements in your environment and care approach, our consultancy service works with you to build a holistic plan for your organisation's future.

Full dementia service review

We’ll optimise your site and assess your care to make sure you have the best design and practices based on the latest research.

Environmental audit and planning

Our experienced design consultants will assess your current facilities and make recommendations based on over 30 years of research and practice.

Evidence-based strategies to help you support people living with dementia

We have the expertise to make a real difference for those in your care. We can help with:

  • approaches for changing behaviours
  • non-pharmacological interventions
  • non-verbal communication
  • promoting engagement

Staff mentoring and modelling

Our dementia consultants or coaches can walk alongside your team, guiding them in best-practice dementia support and care.

We can:

  • Demonstrate supportive responses towards people living with dementia in a variety of settings and situations
  • Demonstrate the importance of knowing a person with dementia well to provide improved care and better outcomes
  • Provide suggestions around supportive staff responses for positive outcomes for the person with dementia
  • Observe staff interactions and provide feedback on how to respond in future
  • Connect staff to additional resources to enhance their knowledge around best-practice dementia care

Bespoke services to upskill you and your teams

Is your organisation considering a specific project? Or do you have particular issues you want to address with your team? Let us develop an offering that’s just right for you.

Get in touch

We’ll develop a program to suit your individual needs

Need something bespoke? We can tailor our expertise to your organisation’s requirements, or you can partner with us to expand your team’s capabilities. We'll also keep you informed with regular updates on the latest in dementia knowledge and practice.